What is the TB Test Form?
The TB test form is required to be filled when you want to carry out a TB test, also known as the Mantoux tuberculin test. The test is performed by a qualified healthcare provider. They carry out the test by injecting a small quantity of fluid, known as tuberculin into your skin at the lower part of your arm.
You will return in 48-72 hours to have a qualified healthcare worker look for the reaction on your arm. The result will depend on the size of the hard, raised area or swelling on your arm.
To get started with the test, the first thing to do is to get the form and fill it out, and then take it to the healthcare professional that will conduct the test. Of course, you can fill out the form at the hospital but you can save yourself the stress of waiting for the form and filling it out manually by simply filling out the form online.
Information Included in the TB Test Form
Before you get and fill out the form, it is important to understand the content of the form. With this, you can be mentally prepared with the information that you will provide. Here are the basic details that you may find in your TB test form.
Healthcare Professional and Patient Names: Depending on whether you are the patient or healthcare provider, you have to provide your name here. Other information that is required in this section includes the testing location, date of the test, site of the test (whether left or right arm), expiration date, and signature.
Result Details: This part includes the result of the test that you have performed. It includes the date that the result is read, which is within 48-72 hours after the date the fluid was inserted.
It will also give the details of the result, such as the size of the induration, as well as whether the PPD test result is positive or negative. Finally, the healthcare professional that read and reported the result will append their signature and title on the form.
The TB test form is a simple form that does not require long hours of interpreting the content of the form. It is easy to find and fill out.
How to fill out the TB Test Form
The TB Test form is usually not difficult to fill out, especially if the healthcare provider can interpret the result carefully. To fill out the form, the first thing is to get the form. Follow the steps below to know how to fill it out:
Step 1: Get the form online by clicking on the “Get Form” button and waiting for it to load and open.
Step 2: Carefully provide the information required in the form and ensure that you do not make any mistakes.

Step 3: Fill out the test results and append a signature.

Step 4: Go over the filled form again to ensure you have provided accurate information and result.
Step 5: Save the form on your computer and print it, later on, to share with the appropriate person. You may also send the form to the recipient through email.
What is the TB Test Form used for?
The TB test form is solely used to collect details of the test results for TB. If your medical practitioner suspects that you may have tuberculosis, they may request that you carry out the test to get an accurate result. The TB test form is used for this purpose. Your healthcare provider will usually fill out the form on your behalf.
Who needs to fill out the TB Test Form?
As mentioned, when you show symptoms of tuberculosis, your healthcare provider will recommend that you perform the TB test. Usually, the healthcare practitioner that performs the form test will fill out the TB test form for you. The professional may ask for some personal details about you, such as your name, address, mobile number, and basic information like these.